

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hey guys! Great to see you're all following along avidly! If y'all don't mind I'm just going to take a slightly more personal route on this next post, here goes nothing!

So, as the Global CEO of one of TIME's 2010's up and coming 50 international companies, I know a little bit about the world, I'm fairly well travelled and I've seen a lot of amazing places and amazing things in my time, but the reality is, no place will ever be home to me more than the beautiful town of Mangawai, just an hour north of Auckland. I was born there, I went to school there, I met my beautiful fiance Poliotherna there, and while I've travelled around, I want to retire and eventually die there.

I don't see what the issue is with wanting to be born, grow up and die in the same beautiful corner of the world?! Heck, if I'd had my way and Ma' and Pa' hadn't forced me out the door at 15, I woulda stayed there my whole life! Granted, my forced graduation from Mangawai college led me on to do great things with great people, I would never have amassed the wealth and business expertise that I did without my parents quite literally pushing me out the door, but I just wish that I could have known the joy of staying in the one spot for my whole life.

I miss you hometown. I miss you Mrs Bernhall (who is pregnant with her sixth - congrats!). I miss the cafe/plant barn. I don't miss Sally Holmeswood and she knows why - I swear to god woman you'll be paying for the antibiotics to get rid of this. And most of all, I miss all the neighbourhood cats with whom I used to play for hours, right until the sun went down over Khalalilled Hill.

I will always love you Mangawai. And one day I might learn to spell your name.

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